Resuming My Exercise Regime with Joy

Resuming My Exercise Regime with Joy

After 2 weeks of brutal side effects from an increased dose of my Xeloda (5FU) home chemotherapy pills, this is the first day that I feel like my normal, peppy, joyful Self. This rebound from chemotherapy side effects is the result of the loving care I have received...
Conversation With My Oncologist

Conversation With My Oncologist

For those who do not know me, I am Judith Anne Desjardins, LCSW, BCD, former Oncology Social Worker, Holistic Psychotherapist treating body, mind, emotions and spirit, and Pancreatic Warrior Maiden living with Pancreatic Cancer since October 23, 2020. I have run the...
Coping with Prolonged Overwhelm

Coping with Prolonged Overwhelm

It doesn’t matter how strong or healthy you were in body, mind, emotions and spirit. When Overload accumulates, you will be humbled on the most basic level – usually in the body. The body is equipped with a primal level of survival that goes back to...
Yes, I Need A Hug Today

Yes, I Need A Hug Today

Holidays are meant to be joyful, but for many people, they are not.While many families have the potential to gather together, many times, for many reasons they do not.As we yearn for love, hugs, being with family, there is the potentialwe will be let down, hurt by...
T Cell Attacks Cancer Cell

T Cell Attacks Cancer Cell

Death to the cancer protagonist A sensor in the cancer cell illuminates upon impact, providing real-time data to help improve treatmentsThe cancer cell contains a sensor that lights up when it is attacked by the T-cell. This remarkable video clip (credit goes to...
Surrendering To the Unknown

Surrendering To the Unknown

Dealing with New Treatment Decisions can be overwhelming. There are so many factors to consider:What is the status of my current cancer?What are the characteristics of this chemotherapy in terms of how it interacts with my cancer?How toxic is this chemotherapy?What...