The Blogging Spirit
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Book Review of “If Kids Ran the World” – A Book for Everyone Around the World
As an author, publisher, and Steward of the Little Free Library on Pearl Street in Santa Monica, California, I highly recommend this book for children as well as adults. It is simply the most beautiful, most profound children's book that has ever graced my Library. It...
Making Healing Soup for Chemotherapy Patients – 101
As a nearly 5-year veteran of living with Pancreatic cancer which has metastasized, I can't tell you how important it is for your treatment outcome to be proactive on your own behalf! This is true after surgery, radiation, ablations, and chemotherapy. I am now on a...
Chemo Hand/Foot Syndrome “Whisperer”
Chemo induced Hand/Foot Syndrome is a painful, frightening side effect of chemotherapy. Experiencing it myself has motivated me to develop a protocol for healing it. It usually appears several days after an infusion or taking the "at home" chemotherapy pill Xeloda (5...
Also Available:
“Zranione Serca” is the Polish translation of “Creating a Healthy Life & Marriage” and is available now!
Endorsements for “Our Journey with Prostate Cancer”
“I recommend this book to cancer patients, their spouses and significant others, doctors and nurses involved in the care of cancer patients, social workers, and other healthcare providers.” – Przemyslaw Twardowski, M.D., Medical Oncologist, City of Hope