The recent MRI scans of my Abdomen and Pelvis revealed a 21mm/2cm tumor of my original Pancreatic Cancer made its way to the upper left section of my liver.
Much to my relief and answered prayer, there is no metastatic cancer anywhere else in my body!
Once again, I am a very lucky girl. This “secondary tumor” is nearly the same size as my original Stage 1 tumor in the Pancreas.
“What do you do when there is a cancer recurrence?”
First, give yourself time to process your emotional/ mental reactions.
Then you meet with your family members/ support team and discuss all the possible outcomes: You will be successful in beating it. You might beat it for a while more. You might die from the cancer.
Should you suffer this alone, to spare them? Should you lean in and accept all their love and support? Should you just give up and die, as the doctors predict?
The most important people to consult with are God and yourself.
For me, I can only be the person I have always been. I am a fighter with an exceptionally strong body, mind, emotions and spirit. I also have a soft feminine spirit that emanates love, gentleness, wisdom, and God’s essence.
I am from God, I love God with all my heart, mind, and spirit, and I will NOT give in to Fear or Negative Predictions. I will fight with all my Might and God’s Grace to beat cancer once and for all.
“How do you choose a course of treatment?”
My husband and I have been married for 30 years and we are a Well-Oiled Team of problem solvers. We are both versed in cancer: He is 11 years cancer-free of Prostate cancer; I was 30 months cancer-free of Pancreas Cancer.
We spend hours discussing every angle, every facet, every scenario, our reactions, then we always go for a second opinion.
Never make a snap decision based on FEAR or a push from your doctors. Take time to research, schedule consultations with other institutions and specialists, then make your own informed decision.
“What kind of personal work by the patient will affect the treatment outcome?”
If you want the best outcome, you must be prepared for the hard work, discipline, and commitment that is required.
You literally must EMPOWER yourself with an arsenal of Self-help ACTIONS that render your body inhospitable to cancer:
Daily exercise, eliminate foods that promote cancer (sugar, refined white flour products, fried foods, processed food, beef), follow a diet filled with multi-colored vegetables and fruits, nuts, protein from tofu, fish, poultry.
I firmly believe my metastasis is so small and limited to only one specific place in my body because I have followed this lifestyle.
Stay on top of your emotional/mental reactions: Allow yourself to feel each emotion but do NOT allow the negative ones to send you on a downward spiral.
You have to tap into the POWER OF YOUR SPIRIT. It is your strongest weapon in your fight against cancer.