Hi, my name is Judith Anne Desjardins, and I am a Holistic psychotherapist, 4-year and 4-month Pancreatic cancer thrivor and cancer advocate.
I had a Port installed this last Monday and 6 days later, the PORT, canula, and displaced chest tissue have healed.
Tomorrow I will be receiving my first Infusion of a secondary chemotherapy to work in conjunction with the Xeloda (5 FU) chemotherapy pills I have been taking for 4 months. The plan is that this new combination will confuse the cancer cells, destroy and eliminate them wherever they are in my body.
I am not afraid; in fact, I am wiser, stronger, more confidant than I was for my first experience with the IV-infused chemotherapy Gemsar in 2020 – which lasted 5 months.
At that time, it was the height of COVID lockdown, no visitors were allowed, my first Oncologist and his NP were distant and clinical, and I felt totally alone, frightened, and a bit terrified. My only companions were my blanket from home, my “chemo-Kitty” gift from my daughter, my Daily Word, and my Sacred Heart of Jesus medal. On top of that, I had many bad side effects, had trouble communicating with my Oncologist, developed blood clots in the lower segments of both lungs – which required 1 year on the blood thinner, Eliquis.
This time around I am well prepared with some specialty items for chemotherapy patients which I found on Amazon (which I will show and critique in future videos), have a loving, supportive Oncologist and his wonderful NP, and my Sacred Heart of Jesus pendant.
It is my prayer that my videos will be helpful, inspiring, and courage-inducing for cancer patients and their families around the world.
If you enjoy my videos, please subscribe to my channel and dialogue with me in the comments section.
For further information, visit my two websites: