Despite the devastating wildfires that have decimated Pacific Palisades and other numerous locations around Los Angeles, I awoke to a beautiful sunrise, the return of our birds, the signs in nature that say, “God is with us,” and a little Token of Love donated to my LIttle Free Library.

As a member of the community, I say this:

“We will come together, we will rebuild and support each other, we will thrive, we will restructure our City’s infrastructure for an advanced Department for Natural Disasters that is equipped with proper water delivery to our fire hydrants, a robust Fire Fighting Department employing and deploying a vast and robust number of fire fighters, airplanes to deliver fire retardants, and vast Emergency Service Department to care for and safe guard our cities and the people, animals, and wildlife that live here.”

At this time, it is imperative for each of us to respond to a CALL FOR ACTION to help in whatever way we can to the current emergency.

If you are writers, volunteer to read books to adults and especially children at the temporary shelters set up by the Red Cross.

If you are skilled with ability to work with livestock, volunteer to work with the animals housed in city Equestrian centers.

If you are chiefs or restaurants, donate food to the people housed in our temporary shelters.

If you are nurseries or gardeners, donate some beautiful potted plants to the local temporary shelters.

Donate money and food to the local Food Banks.

If you are a therapist, volunteer to be part of the Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Team.

In your community and neighborhood, check on your neighbors, especially the elderly, and offer to get groceries, give them rides to health care appointments, offer each other hugs and encouragement when you see them outside.

There will be a massive need to rebuild houses, Historic landmarks, community services. Offer to be involved – as a contractor, a builder, as a tradesman, as a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity.

The list goes on and on. The bottom line: GET INVOLVED IN THE REBUILDING OF HOPE in The City of Angels, wherever you can.

You, as an individual, can make a tremendous difference.

