I have been on the home chemotherapy pills Xeloda (5FU) for 6 rounds, and my Oncologist recently decided to increase its effectiveness by starting me on a second chemotherapy drug, Oxaliplatin, to be administered by an IV infusion every 3 weeks.
To my amazement, I told him I wanted to have a PORT installed this time around. It was MY choice.
Just the same, when I talked to my Interventional Radiologist before the surgery, I was curious how he would find the room in my skinny, boney chest to insert the PORT and canula. He said, “Don’t worry, I do this every day, and I will find just the right location.”
2 hours later, I was ready for discharge, covered with Band-Aids, steri strips, and a sheet of what looked like shrink wrap, and told not to get the area wet and to take Tylenol for pain. My emotions were pretty numb at this point.
1 day later, I became filled with ANXIETY. My chest looked like a Lego trunk had been inserted under the skin on my Right chest and a long tube was attached to it, going into a major artery. It was all very visible, raised higher than my skin, and odd looking. The anxiety built up inside me during the night, so I made an appointment with my Nurse Practitioner the following day.
As a Holistic Psychotherapist, former Oncology Social Worker, and cancer advocate, I knew it was imperative to seek information, have her inspect the PORT, remove my bandages, and give me reassurance. If I had not made that appointment, I would have been filled with Anxiety the next day when I would start my Chemotherapy infusion.
I made this video in the waiting room, and it vividly shows my distress.
Praise God my meeting with her allayed all my fears and I left the consult feeling positive and confident. I am blessed to have such a loving, supportive NP and Care Team at UCLA!
I share my videos to encourage, educate, and inspire cancer patients around the world. If you enjoy them, please subscribe to my channel and share your reactions in the comments section. I would love to dialogue with you.
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