by Joe Birch | Feb 17, 2025 | Finding and Nurturing Your Spirit
Prior to cancer, I have been a 40-year devotee of Yoga. I did my yoga practice at least 3 times a week in class and at home. When I started my 4-year and 4-month series of treatments for Stage 1 Pancreatic cancer in 2020, (surgery, chemotherapy, ablations,...
by Joe Birch | Dec 18, 2024 | Finding and Nurturing Your Spirit
Two years ago, I made a comment in a LinkedIn post: “I’ve never been the kind of person to give myself a Birthday party and I always admired people who did.” I was way too shy to ever do it for myself. I was amazed when 200 people viewed that post and gave me support....
by Joe Birch | Dec 11, 2024 | Finding and Nurturing Your Spirit
Dealing with the holidays when you are a cancer patient in active treatment can be daunting. The same is true for others in active treatment or hospitalization during the holidays. I am pleased to share this video narrated by a Medical Social Worker at City of Hope....
by Joe Birch | Aug 29, 2024 | Finding and Nurturing Your Spirit
After a 6am walk around our wild property, breakfast on our Inner Patio is the morning ritual for me and Hopie. We pray, we eat slowly, we thank God for this new day, we sit in the quiet and listen to the greetings from our birds – who make a joyful chatter. We...
by Joe Birch | May 15, 2023 | Finding and Nurturing Your Spirit
This Sunday I am sending Love and Acknowledgment to all the mothers, grandmothers and mother-like women around the world: aunts, cousins, mothers who have adopted and nurtured children, animals, plants, trees, community projects; marvelous teachers who instill wonder,...
by admin | Jun 11, 2018 | Finding and Nurturing Your Spirit
When my beloved Brutie Boy died on September 29, 2017, my heart was broken and I did not know if I wanted to continue living. The loss of a loved one envelops the survivor in a spiral of emotions: sadness, despair, abandonment, anger, fear, self-doubt, hopelessness,...