October 18, 2013
TONIGHT, AT 8:15 P .M., MY HUSBAND AND I WERE driving home from dinner. We stopped at a red light. Because it was a warm night my passenger window was rolled down. It was then that I heard the desperate screaming of a cat that was trapped in the sewer, right next to the car.
I told my husband to make a right turn and stop the car so I could take a closer look. I couldn’t see the cat, but I began talking to it in a calm voice: “It’s okay, we are going to get you out of there. We will be right back.”
We drove to the animal shelter, which was closed, then to the closest fire department. I described the emergency to the three firemen, who said they would meet us at that intersection and attempt a rescue. They warned us, however, that it is very hard to rescue cats as they usually run away. I told them, “There is a manhole cover right next to the sewer. I will meet you there. The cat already knows the sound of my voice, and I am good with animals.”
We drove back to the cat, and within five minutes a giant fire truck and three kind firemen arrived and were able to pull the cat to safety. They lured it with a chunk of chicken from their dinner. I put the cat in my husband’s gym bag and we headed home.
Brutie has always loved cats and wanted one of his own. He was delighted when we brought the cat into the house. He and the cat kissed as if they had always been together. The cat was starving and ate an entire cooked, cubed turkey breast. He immediately settled into a roasting pan that I had covered with a blanket and fell asleep. His body is very thin, and he appears to be one year old. He is a short-haired tiger, with beautiful markings and a sweet disposition.
This rescue seemed to be Divine Intervention. We were in the right place at the right time to rescue this young cat, whom we have named Hope—because it was crying its heart out and pleading to be rescued. I sense we will all be blessed by this event.
Tomorrow I will post a photo and message at the animal shelter to see if there is a worried owner looking for Hope. Who knows how long he was trapped in the sewer and what dreadful experiences he encountered there.