Hi, this is Judith Anne Desjardins, Holistic Psychotherapist, 4-year and 5-month Pancreatic Cancer Thrivor, former Oncology Social Worker, and Cancer Advocate.

My last video showed my fears and anxiety about having my PORT installed. This video focuses on the first time my PORT was accessed for my first new additional chemotherapy infusion.

What made this day so peaceful and wonderful is all the work I did prior to this infusion:

I met with my Nurse Practitioner and asked for information and reassurance about the PORT that was installed on 2-18-25.

I searched on Amazon for products specifically made for chemotherapy patients and ordered many items to take to my Infusion appointment: cold booties and cold gloves (to wear during infusion to prevent peripheral neuropathy); protective pads that attach to bra strap to take pressure off the PORT; a “chemotherapy all cotton shirt” with zippers on both sides by the neckline that allow access to the port, but leave the shirt intact.

I baked a bunch of anti-cancer, nutritious cookies to take to the Infusion and shared them with patients and healthcare staff. I was at the Oncology from 9:30 am – 3:30pm – so the cookies provided some much needed nutrition.

I made a huge vegetable soup with chicken, carrots, onions, celery, mushrooms to feed me during the days when I would have nausea and distaste for normal foods.

I bought tuna and salmon Sashimi and pieces of papaya at the Japanese market that would provide my body protein and would be easily digestible.

I made a large batch of Juice with my juicer that would provide micronutrients from vegetables and fruits – to rebuild my gut microbiome and immune system after ingesting the toxic chemotherapy and pre-medications for nausea and allergic reaction to the chemo.

I filled prescriptions for anti-nausea and bought Imodium (for possible diarrhea), Milk of Magnesium (for possible bloating and constipation), Tylenol for PORT pain. I also bought Allegra in case I developed a swollen, red face reaction to the chemotherapy.

I vacuumed and steam cleaned my whole house, machine washed all my carpets while I had the energy, and removed clutter – to give my Self a serene, peaceful atmosphere in which to heal after my infusion.

These are the activities I recommend patients do prior to their first infusion. If you can’t do them yourself, ask family members or friends to do them for you. They empower you and ensure that your body, mind, emotions and spirit will thrive, despite the infusion. Once they are completed, you will have a sense of “preparedness,” confidence, and composure.

That was my experience – which you will see in the video that I will post after this Article.

If you find value in my videos, you can subscribe and leave your reactions in the Comments section. I would love to interact with you! For more information, visit my 2 websites: www.JudithAnneDesjardins.com www.HolisticCancerRecoveryHub.com

Blessings to each and every one of you. I send my Love and Prayers for your recovery.


