For those who do not know me, I am Judith Anne Desjardins, LCSW, BCD, former Oncology Social Worker, Holistic Psychotherapist treating body, mind, emotions and spirit, and Pancreatic Warrior Maiden living with Pancreatic Cancer since October 23, 2020.

I have run the gamut in terms of treatment over that span – Distal Pancreatectomy removing 40% of my Pancreas, all of Spleen, and 8 lymph nodes (that were clear.) Next, I had 8 IV infusions of the chemotherapy Gemsar, followed by 1 year of Eliquis for blood clots in the lower portions of each lung (caused by the chemo or the cancer.)

After 33 1/2 months with no visible cancer, there was a metastasis to the upper Left segment of my liver, which was Ablated by an Interventional Radiologist in June 2023. That lasted 11 months, then there was another small liver tumor adjacent to the Ablation site and a new small tumor in my Abdominal cavity. The liver tumor was Ablated and the Abdominal tumor was treated with Cryoablation.

Unfortunately, in 2 months there were new small tumors in the liver and Abdominal cavity, and I was no longer eligible for further Ablations.

I turned to my Oncologist for help because my body was not able to kill the cancer cells, and my Holistic Approach to treating cancer needed the help of chemotherapy. 3 months ago, I was put on Xeloda (a pill version of 5FU) at a dose of 2 pills twice a day for 14 days, with 7 days off. I completed 3 cycles without any side effects caused by the Xeloda. I was thrilled to be able to take these pills at home in the company of my Therapy/MD cat Hopie and my serene sanctuary.

After 3 cycles, my Oncologist decided to up the dose to 3 pills twice a day for 14 days, with 7 days off. For the first time in my cancer career, I was the “poster girl” for every bad side effect that Xeloda can bring.

It happened during my 7 days off and included:

The Soles of my feet became red, hot, painful to walk on

I had an Aversion to food and became nauseous. I struggled to find any food that my body would accept

I had diarrhea 3 times a day for 5 days, and needed to take Imodium (1 pill) 3 times a day

I developed sores on the tongue which were painful and caused pain when I tried to talk (as the tongue moves over the back teeth)

I did not feel like doing exercise and felt pretty depressed

I developed a DVT (deep vein thrombosis blood clot) in my Left lower calf and had to start Eliquis twice a day to clear the clot – caused when cancer cells make the blood thicker).

This video conversation covers my Conversation with my dear Oncologist about the adjustment to my treatment plan:

We will drop my Xeloda back to 2 pills twice a day for 14 days, then 7 days off.

I will have a Port placed on 2-18 and I start my first round of Oxaliplatin on 2-24-25.

I am very proud of my 81-year-old body. She weathered the toxic level of Xeloda and my blood work (white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, Neutrophil and Lymphocytes are higher than they have been in 4-years and 4 months. SHE IS AMAZING!

The doctors attribute my body’s ability to rebound and maintain my weight and stamina to my Holistic Approach to Cancer recovery.

For more information, please visit my website: If you enjoy my content, please subscribe and dialogue with me through the comments.

My life’s purpose is to help cancer patients and their families around the world.

My Love and Prayers are with you!